
Dental, Vision and Hearing

Dental Vision and Hearing

dental vision and hearing

Many of our clients are often surprised to learn that Medicare offers limited coverage for dental, vision, and hearing services. These three areas are crucial for overall health, so it’s perplexing that Medicare doesn’t include them in its benefits package. While Medicare does cover certain extreme services like cataract surgery, it falls short in providing coverage for routine, preventive, and day-to-day treatments. This happens to be one of the weaker areas of coverage for Original Medicare. Often missing routine appointments, cleanings, standard procedures. Let’s delve deeper into each of these three areas to understand what Medicare does offer and explore alternative ways to obtain coverage for dental, vision, and hearing services.


Dental Coverage:

Medicare, particularly Original Medicare consisting of Parts A and B, has limited dental coverage. Part B may cover dental treatment in specific instances, such as:


  1. Oral exams required before a kidney transplant.
  2. Jaw reconstruction after an accident.
  3. Tooth extractions before jaw radiation treatment.
  4. Examinations are necessary before oral surgery.

For common dental treatments like cleanings, crowns, bridges, fillings, root canals, and dentures, Medicare does not provide any coverage. Like I stated before Dental Vision and Hearing are weak areas of Original Medicare. 


Vision Coverage:

Medicare’s vision coverage is similar to dental coverage, primarily focusing on major issues rather than routine services.


Medicare will not cover routine eye exams unless there is a significant concern. It does provide a glaucoma screening once a year for individuals at high risk, such as those with diabetes, a family history of glaucoma, African Americans aged 50 and older, and Hispanic Americans aged 65 and older.


Medicare may cover diagnostic tests and treatment for macular degeneration.


While eyeglasses and contact lenses are generally not covered, exceptions exist. For instance, if you have cataract surgery with an intraocular lens implant, Medicare may cover one pair of eyeglasses or contacts, though this is a one-time benefit.


Medicare Part B covers these services, and you are responsible for the Part B deductible and 20% of the Medicare-approved amount.

Hearing Coverage:

Medicare does offer some coverage for hearing tests when they are deemed medically necessary by your doctor. However, it does not cover hearing aids or the related fitting exams.


Hearing services, like vision services, are covered under Medicare Part B, with beneficiaries responsible for the Part B deductible and 20% of approved service costs.


If you’re dissatisfied with these limitations, there are alternative options available to secure coverage for dental vision and hearing services.

Medicare Advantage:

Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Medicare Part C, provide an all-in-one alternative to Original Medicare. These plans must offer at least as much coverage as Parts A and B, and many go beyond these basic requirements. Dental, vision, and hearing benefits are areas where Medicare Advantage plans shine, often providing more comprehensive coverage than Original Medicare. One of the most popular benefits that these plans like to include is Dental Vision and Hearing. 

Dental, Vision, Hearing Insurance Plans:

Another straightforward option is to add a Dental, Vision, Hearing (DVH) policy to your insurance portfolio. Various insurance companies offer DVH plans, bundling these benefits to supplement your Original Medicare coverage. These plans can be customized to suit your specific needs. You can contact me or you can look around using the button below. 


Ultimately, there are numerous possibilities for dental, vision, and hearing coverage. For personalized guidance and to determine the best option for your unique situation, feel free to reach out to one of our advisors at Bridged Insurance. These can be a good choice in addition to Medicare Supplement plans see HERE. Another good article on Dental, Vision and hearing HERE.

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